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Reuse & Repurpose: Spooning

How can you not love this "spoondelier" made out of vintage silver-plate flatware from a company called Cake? It was featured in Home Accents Today as a highlight from the Atlanta Market, and I've searched high and low to find out more about this brand, but to no avail. I do know someone, however, who creates all kinds of crafty magic out of old flatware and vintage china pieces, and that would be Sharleen Reeder of Luticia Clementine's in my hometown of Independence, Mo.

While this creation has a retail price tag of $1,500, according to Home Accents Today, I bet Sharleen could make something similar at a fraction of the price. She's already known for taking odd pieces of silverware and turning them into jewelry, fan pulls and miniature easels. Why, she's even been known to take teacups and their matching saucers and refashion them into gorgeous garden accessories.

I featured Sharleen's talents in The Find: The Housing Works Book of Decorating With Thrift Shop Treasures, Flea Market Objects, and Vintage Details. When I interviewed her, she said it pains her to take an entire set of silver and cut it up into pieces for resale. "But I feel like if I can turn these things into somethign that people will actually use, then at least someone is enjoying in the home," Reeder says in The Find.

Here's a photo that Bob Greenspan shot of Sharleen's work while we were photographing The Find. You can see that her bent-fork easel is a whimsical way to display photographs, business cards or even recipes.

For more of Sharleen's charming handiwork, pick up your copy of The Find: The Housing Works Book of Decorating with Thrift Shop Treasures, Flea Market Objects, and Vintage Details at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Amazon or Powell's.

Always Frugal, Always Fabulous!

The Elegant Thrifter


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