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Saturday Surprises: She Did It!

When bringing anything new into your life, I firmly believe in focusing only on what you love, especially when shopping for vintage and thrift treasures. This concept was fully affirmed the other night with my friends at Maison Rêve as we gathered in Mill Valley to celebrate The Find: The Housing Works Book of Decorating With Thrift Shop Treasures, Flea Market Objects, and Vintage Details.

For if you only decorate your home with items that speak to your heart, you will always make room, even if it means passing a no-longer-wanted object along to a friend, donating it to a cause, or in the worse case, putting it in the recycling bin.

My new friend Michelle at Maison Rêve finally got up the courage to get rid of what she called "the ugly green nightmare" reclining chair that has haunted her space for much too long. I'm certain that a heart-warming replacement will arrive soon!

Always Frugal, Always Fabulous!

The Elegant Thrifter


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