Google Blogs Alert for: us tax code
THE WANDERING TAX PRO: WHAT'S THE BUZZ? TELL ME WHAT'S A HAPPENNIN' – By Robert D Flach Jeff Rose gives us a good detailed explanation of the "5 Year Rule for Roth IRA Qualified Distributions" over at GOOD FINANCIAL CENTS. . * Roni Deutch has begun a weekly "Ask the Tax Lady" feature at, where else, THE TAX LADY BLOG, answering questions ... When Congress completely revised the Tax Code in 1954, the filing deadline was changed to the current April 15. The IRS said the change was made to "spread out the peak workload". However, others have speculated that , ... THE WANDERING TAX PRO - |
Another Pundit: The 545 People Responsible For All Of U.S. Woes By Earl You and I don't write the tax code. Congress does. You and I don't set fiscal policy. Congress does. You and I don't control monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Bank does. One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine ... Another Pundit - |
Type Of IRS Publications | Credit Shopper By Anne Durrell However, it is nonetheless almost three hundred pages worth of IRS publication that bear witness to the overkill that the federal tax code has turned out to be. The good thing is that the publications are very in depth and explanatory ... Credit Shopper - |
We Must Ration Health Care, says the New York Times - Scragged By Will Offensicht The only way to get some sense into our tax code would be to harshly enforce its rules against those who write it. The only way to get a decent public health care system would be if Congressmen had to stand in the same line and obey the ... Even the New York Times realizes that they're planning to make us stand in line for treatment until enough of us die to keep within their budget as in the British system. It would be nice if the rest of the people would catch on before ... Scragged - |
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