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Work From Home » Blog Archive » Understanding IRS Publications
By Anne Durrell
However, it is nonetheless almost three hundred pages worth of IRS publication that bear witness to the overkill that the federal tax code has turned out to be. The whole thing that they do if it is linked to information is available as ...
Work From Home -
Docudharma:: Class War 101: We need a new progressive tax system
By MinistryOfTruth
Therefore, I propose a Millionaires tax, as well as a fundamental progressive shift in our tax code which shifts the burden off the lower brackets by creating new, higher brackets. What those shifts are, how drastic they should be and ...
Docudharma - Recommended Diaries -
Obama's Healthcare providers are bailing on his plan. | eransworld
By eran
I can't believe for a moment that Government who has brought us such great things as Medicare, Medicaid, IRS and a tax code from hell could bring us inefficiency too. Glenn Beck said it pretty well here. But wait, there's more! ...
eransworld -
JFK cut the tax rates 35% to a 60%+/- but the tax code was much simpler and did not have deductions capped by income, i.e. must spend >7% of gross income to deduct any medical expenses. Hence the actual rate was much lower than the .... It's no longer about the good of the country--they're out to steal from us what they perceive as "their rightful share" of prosperity under the guise of liberalism. Or more accurately put, socialism. By $mooth Operator @ 07/20/09 11:09:16 ...
Nealz Nuze - It's The Income Tax, Stupid
By Frank Staheli
Involve them in needless wars for oil and entertain them with modern-day bread and circuses while other nations surpass us in the development of alternative energy technologies. ... Instead of encouraging Americans to live within their means, including saving significant portions of their income to be utilized for economic investment, the federal income tax code encourages Americans to buy homes that they cannot afford while discouraging savings and other investments ... -

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