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Your Hate Makes He Stronger...

"Holy shit, you're such a douchebag. Such a freackin douche. What's wrong with this chick? I'd like to know really.. Is it because she's too hot for some loser like you so you hate her?.. I know you're ugly. You must have been rejected so many times. I just started following you, and i'm going to run on my dashboard to unfollow. Douche. Bag." -Mademoiselle Creamy

Most bloggers would delete a comment like this, Not HE though, He embraces comments like this. Comments like this mean He is doing something right, and guess what M. Creamy He is a douchebag. But what is He suppose to do, let these people go unnoticed? Absolutely not, wrongs must be made right, and He is apparently the only one willing to take on the job. Are people going to get upset? Yes. Are people going to cry? Let's hope. If you don't like it, well thats too bad, becuase you can call He a douchebag all you want, hell call He whatever you want, because it'll only make He strong. Thank you M. Creamy.


P.S. Isn't it gonna be great when M. Creamy reads this post, she is gonna be f*ckin pissed. And we all know that even though she isn't following FbyHe anymore, she is still coming back to read it.


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